Health screening tests for women: what and when

If prevention is better than cure, why do we often procrastinate about going for health screening tests?

“Knowing the results from just a few important screening tests can help in the early detection of diseases like diabetes, hypertension and cancer. This in turn can lead to preventive measures or more successful treatment, which could have incalculable value in time, money and quality of life,” says Dr Deepak Patel, clinical specialist at Discovery Vitality.

Dr Patel says that time, money and quality of life are three factors we prioritise differently at various stages of our lives.

“Over the years, work, marriage, kids and personal goals place different demands on our time and resources. Maintaining good health means there’s more of us to give to the things in our lives that matter most, whatever stage of life we’re in.”

Recommended screenings for women

It is important to keep track and prioritise good healthy behaviours in order to healthy for as long as we can.

Taking preventive health measures is relevant in every decade, but the risks increase with age.

From our twenties into our sixties, here is a list of recommended health screenings for women:


Source: All4Women