June 2021

GWII Mindful Resilience Event

Gauteng Women in Insurance (GWII) hosted a motivational event, on Thursday 20 May, with main sponsor Guy Carpenter. Themed Mindful Resilience, guest speaker Helen Nicholson, from The Networking Company, spoke to the ladies about mindful resilience in the new normal. Mindful Resilience Training was introduced for the first time at Davos in 2013. World leaders Read More

Career women – success stories… Karla Hunt

Celebrating successful women for all their hard work and effort creates a pathway and steppingstone for aspiring women who seek guidance, motivation, and inspiration. Gauteng Women in Insurance (GWII) recently chatted to Karla Hunt, Chief Executive Officer of CLC about her journey and career in the financial services industry, what CLC offers and her advice Read More

Women and finance… where we’ve come from and where we’re going

There has been a marked change over the past three generations regarding women’s position in the workplace and their relationship with money. Although progress towards gender equality in business and financial affairs still has a long way to go, it’s important occasionally to look back and consider how far we have come. I’m of the Read More

Are women more psychologically predisposed to getting into debt?

Momentum Financial Planner Janine Horn looks at debt, women, household financial wellness and where gender fits in.   While the gap between men and women continues to close, as we move towards a more egalitarian society, we are still not quite there yet. The Momentum/Unisa 2020 Household Financial Wellness Insights report estimates that women in South Read More

Are you exhausted and unhappy?

Despite men being more hands-on at home than previous generations, mothers are exhausted and unhappy… and we know why. Modern moms are in distress, and, according to a study from Arizona State University and Oklahoma State University, it’s thanks to shouldering the invisible labour of household management and parenting. What is invisible labour? Knowing who Read More

What do I do if I have a breast lump?

A breast lump is something no woman wants to find, but it’s important not to panic if you feel something suspicious in your breast. The first thing to do is take a deep breath and keep breathing. Get to know your breasts Most women seem to find a breast lump just by chance, or something Read More

Why self-love is the best type of love

Learning to love and approve of yourself is one of the hardest things to do. Everyone wants to be loved and we often think that means we need to seek it from other people. But when you seek love from external sources you are allowing it to be taken away from you, which can leave Read More